The Radio Fundamental Catalog

DOI: 10.25966/dhrk-zh08

The Radio Fundamental Catalog (RFC) provides of thousands of compact radio sources produced by analysis of all available very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations under absolute astrometry and geodesy programs. The Radio Fundamental Catalogue defines the reference and establishes the foundation for space geodesy, space navigation, differential astrometry, studies of AGN jets and cores, and analysis of the radio loud AGN population.

rfc_2024d catalogue of compact radio sources. This catalogue is currently the most complete. It has 21,942 objects. The catalogue includes all sources observed with VLBI under absolute astrometry and geodesy programs from 1980.04.11 through 2024.12.03. Also 127,839 images in FITS format of 20474 radio sources are available from the database of brightness distributions and images of compact radio sources.

Citation instruction

If you use the Radio Fundamental Catalog in your publication, please cite it as Petrov & Kovalev, "The Radio Fundamental Catalog", 2025, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 276:38 (51pp), doi: 10.3847/1538-4365/ad8c36, data release rfc_2024d, and include DOI 10.25966/dhrk-zh08 of the dataset in the acknowledgments section.

Change log

The catalogue is updated on a quarterly basis because 1) new data are available; 2) old data are reprocessed with advanced software; 3) errors are found and corrected.

Log of changes of the Radio Fundamental Catalogue.


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Web page was prepared by Leonid Petrov ()
Last update: 2025.02.08_20:30:12