PIMA was designed to be "scriptable", i.e. called from another programs. The interface: control file that have to define all parameters, task and command line arguments that override the keywords defined in the control file is somewhat heavy weight. PIMA distribution provides 4 scripts and users are encouraged to develop their own. These scripts are also called wrappers, because they wrap calls to various PIMA tasks.
The wrappers do not provide new functionality that PIMA does not have. They significantly simplify the user interface by expense of reducing functionality and by imposing rules on file names. If you need full functionality, for instance for processing unusual experiment, PIMA wrappers will not work for you. But the use of wrappers may be sufficient for processing many experiments.
Wrappers assume the file names obey the following convention:
The following wrappers are provided:
This task creates log file VVVVV/EEE/EEE_load.log.
When task is invoked in the production mode, i.e. without using
-insp option, it computes the bandpass,
and polarization.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_B_fine.log.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_mkdb.log.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_mktxt.log.
This task updates the gain only for frequencies and
stations specified in the control file ( BEG_FRQ,
END_FRQ, FRQ_GRP ) and found in the gain file. Gain for
for other stations and/or other frequencies remains unchanged.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_B_gain.log.
The log file contains information about gain information in
PIMA data structure after running this
task. It is strongly advised to examine this log file to be
sure that correct gain is applied.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_B_splt.log.
The output files are created for each source: map in FITS image
format with suffix _map.fits, self-calibrated
visibilities in FITS-format, and ascii log file with suffix
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_autm.log.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_autm.log.
The task creates log file with name VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_sres.log.
The URL whether the datafile are fiteched is harded-coded in
file pf_local.py.
There are several situations when PIMA
re-fringe procedure helps to improve results:
There is a way to change the list of observations that will be re-fringed.
If an analyst does not want to re-fringe some observations, the lines that
correspond to these observations should be either removed from the listing
file or the character at the 8th column of the rows that correspond to those
observations should be changed to K. Alternatively, if an analyst
would like to re-fringe a given observation even it it is not suppress,
the character at 8th column should be changed to R. Re-fringing
an observation of a source that had a priori position errors exceeding
1 arcsec may improve the SNR.
Let us consider the following situation. A given observations had
SNR 4.7 and therefore was treated as unconditionally suppressed.
VTD/post-Solve does not show such observation and does not allow to
restore it. After re-fringing then SNR grew to 6.8, i.e. the observations
was detected. Task mkdb created GVF database
version 1. The suppression status is version dependent. The observation
is marked as good in version 1, but unconditionally suppressed in
version 2.
Wrapper pu.py will set status "suppressed,
but recovered" in version 2. Then a user can reset status to "good".
pf.py — a general PIMA wrapper.
usage: pf.py
[-h] [--version] [-v value] [-r] [-resume] [-s] [-H]
exp band
The wrapper has general options followed by three mandatory positional
arguments followed by task specific optional arguments. General options that
follow immediately after the wrapper name and before positional arguments:
There are three mandatory arguments:
Supported tasks:
pt.py — trial fringe fitting.
This wrapper performs fringe fit for an observation with given
index. Fringe results are written in /tmp/1.fri and fringe
residuals are written in /tmp/1.frr overriding keywords
The task does not purge these files, and therefore, it appends results
to their end. Task pt.py shows an 1D plot of residual
phases and amplitudes versus frequency and a similar plot of residuals
versus time. Examining fringe plots is the main function of this task.
6, and therefore, it prints verbose report about
fringe fitting.
usage: pt.py
[-h] [--version] [-v value] [-r] [-s] [-H]
exp band obs
Wrapper has general options followed by three mandatory positional
arguments followed by PIMA options that are pairs
keyword: value.
There are three mandatory arguments:
pr.py — re-fringe VLBI experiment.
Task pr.py implements interface Solve
&arrow; PIMA. It 1) analyzes Solve residual file,
2) finds observations that have been suppressed, computes predicted
path delay on the basis of a priori path delay and adjustments from
the Solve solution and computes correction to the a priori path delay
with respect to the model used by the correlator; 3) generates a
command file that calls PIMA with parameters
of the search window centered with respect to the updated a priori
path delay and with the specified window semi-width; 4) executes this
command file; 5) creates databases in GVF format; 6) updates
automatic suppression status.
VTD/Post-Solve interactive solution should be made first.
Option Print residu(A)ls: ON should be turn on, the spool file
with solution listing be rewound, and residuals be generated (command
Q). The the spool file with residuals should be copied into file
VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_B_init.spl. An analyst should be check carefully
the residual file. In particular, an analyst should check a) the experiment
name and band name :-); b) whether solution is correct (wrms of residuals
is close to what it is supposed to be); c) the spool file contains residuals.
Residual section starts after line Residuals from Solve
Symbols > at the 8-th position marks suppressed observation. All
suppressed observations will be re-fringed.
Usage: pr.py
[-h] [--version] [-v value] [-r] [-s] [-H]
exp band snr
Wrapper has general options followed by three mandatory positional
arguments followed by PIMA options that are pairs
keyword: value.
There are three mandatory arguments:
NB: SNR detection limit is lower for re-fringing
procedure, because the search window is less.
The wrapper creates log file VVVVVV/EEE/EEE_samb.log.
pu.py — update suppression status after
VTD/Post-Solve supports so-called automatic suppression status. This
status depends on a number of factors including detection status
and other parameters. When PIMA creates a GVF
database it sets this status for version 1. But the status does not
automatically propagate to version 2 and higher. Wrapper
pu.py propagates the status from version 1
database to the higher version.
usage: pu.py
[-h] [--version] [-v value] [-r] [-s] [-H]