## ## LCODES supplied by Calc 8.2 ## ## L. Petrov 1999.11.11-19:58:58 ## NT1 AMPS Nutation term 1 a priori amps NT2 AMPS Nutation term 2 a priori amps NT3 AMPS Nutation term 3 a priori amps NT4 AMPS Nutation term 4 a priori amps NT5 AMPS Nutation term 5 a priori amps NT6 AMPS Nutation term 6 a priori amps CALC VER CALC version number PRT FLAG Atmosphere partial to be applied OBCLFLGS Standard contribs configuration CALCFLGV CALC flow control flags valu def OCE STAT Ocean loading station status. OBCLLIST Key to standard contribs config TECTMODL Default tectonic plate modelname TECTPLNM 4-char tectonic plate names. ATM MESS Atmosphere message definition ATM CFLG Atmosphere control flag mess def AXO MESS Axis Offset Message Definition AXO CFLG Axis Offset Control flag mes def ETD MESS Earth Tide message definition ETD CFLG Earth Tide flow control mess def PTD MESS Pole tide message definition PTD CFLG Pole tide flow control mess def NUT MESS Nutation message definition NUT CFLG Nutation flow control mess def. OCE MESS Ocean loading message definition OCE CFLG Ocean load flow control mess def PRE MESS Precession message definition PRE CFLG Precession flow contril mess def SIT MESS Site Module Message Definition STR MESS Star module message definition UT1 MESS UT1 Module message definition UT1 CFLG UT1 control flag message def. UT1INTRP Message for UT1 interp. scheme WOB MESS Wobble message definition. WOBINTRP Interp. scheme for polar motion. WOB CFLG Wobble flow control mess def. ATI MESS ATIME Message Definition ATI CFLG ATIME Flow Control Message Def. CTI MESS CTIMG Message Definition CTI CFLG CTIMG Flow Control Message Der PEP MESS PEP Utility Message Definition PEP 2000 PEP rotation to J2000 message THE MESS Theory module identification REL CFLG Relativisitc bending use status CALCFLGN CALC flow control flags name def PLX MESS Parallax message definition PLX CFLG Parallax flow control mess def PAN MESS Feedhorn rot. angle mod. ident. CFA22DRY CFA2.2 dry atmosphere CFA22WET CFA2.2 wet atmosphere CFA PART CFA2.2 mapping function LANYIDRY Lanyi dry atmosphere model LANYIWET Lanyi wet atmosphere model LANYINFO Lanyi input meteo. parameters ATM PART Atmosphere partial deriv. def. WET PART Chao wet atmosphere partials NDRYPART Nhmf2 dry partial deriv. def. NWETPART Whmf2 wet partial deriv. def. ATM CONT Atmosphere contribution def. NDRYCONT Nhmf (dry) atm. contribution NWETCONT Whmf (wet) atm. contribution EL-THEO Elevation array definition AZ-THEO Azimuth array definition AXO PART Axis Offset partial deriv. def. AXO CONT New Axis Offset Contributions AXO2CONT Other new axis offset correction AXIS OLD Old axis offset correction ETD PART Earth tide partial deriv. def. ETD CONT Earth tide contributions def. ETD3CONT Third order tide contrib. (sec) ETDKCONT K1, O1, P1, ... contrib. (sec) ETD2CONT Mathews Love #s, Equatrl rad (s) PTD CONT Pole tide contributions def. NUT WAHR Wahr nut vals - Dpsi,Deps&rates NUT PART Nutation partial derive. def. NT1 PART Nutation term 1 partials array NT2 PART Nutation term 2 partials array NT3 PART Nutation term 3 partials array NT4 PART Nutation term 4 partials array NT5 PART Nutation term 5 partials array NT6 PART Nutation term 6 partials array OCE CONT Ocean loading contributions def. OCE DELD Ocean load site depndnt displace OCE HORZ Site-dep ocean cont - horizontal OCE VERT Site-dep ocean cont - vertical PRE PART Precession partial deriv. def. SIT PART Site partial derivative def. CF2J2000 Crust-fixed-to-J2000 Rot. Matrix STR PART Star partial derivatives def. UT1 PART UT1 partial derivatives def. UT1 -TAI UT1 time of day for this obsvr. WOB PART Wobble partial derivatives def. WOBXCONT X Wobble contribution definition WOBYCONT Y Wobble contribution definition POLAR XY Polar motion X & Y for obs (rad) CT SITE1 CT fraction at obs site 1 SHAP DEL Shapiro theo. delay (microsec) SHAP RAT Shapiro theo rate (sec/sec) SHAP T62 Shapiro rel del term for Earth SHAPCONT Shapiro corr. to Hellings (sec) HELL DEL Hellings theo. delay (microsec) HELL RAT Hellings theo. rate. (sec/sec) HELL EMS Hellings diddle of mass of Earth CONSNDEL Consensus theo. delay (microsec) CONSNRAT Consensus theo. rate (sec/sec) CONSCONT Consensus corr. to Hellings (s) REL PART Relativistic bending partial (s) REL CONT Relativistic bending contrib (s) CONSPART Consensus partial w.r.t. Gamma CON CONT Consensus bending contrib. (sec) SUN CONT Consensus bending contrib. (sec) PLX PART Parallax partial deriv. def. PARANGLE Feedhorn rot. angle, ref and rem FEED.COR Feedhorn corr. in CORFIL scheme EQE DIFF GAST diff. (New-Old) from EQE EQE CONT Equation of equinoxes contrib. DPSI Nutation longitude & CT deriv... DEPS Nutation obliquity & CT deriv...