2023.10.17 2.150 Added support of an option ine ners_eopser to specify the end epoch ofthe series up to 90 days in the future. 2021.08.24 2.140 Make the model of contribution to UT1 due to zonal tides configurable. Added support of Ray & Erofeeva (2014) model for the contribution of zonal tides to UT1. Added new EOP types: poluz, poluz_r, ezrr eop3zr, eop3zs. They include the Euler angle around axis 3 with the contribution of zonal tides to UT1 removed. Version of client earlier than 2.140 are incompatible with NERS server messages 2.140 or newer. 2021.07.17 2.130 Decreased frequency of leap second file to be updated. Added a check whether the temporary leap second file is empty. 2020.11.20 2.120 Added EOP cashing for azimuth/elevation computation. Set group write permission by default to all NERS related files and NERS source code. 2019.10.20 2.110 Rewrote locking support. Fixed behavior with no Internet connection: the previous version stopped with the error message. This behavior is configurable now. Added two additional configuration parameters: ON_FAIL_TO_READ: -- defines behavior when NERS cannot read the message from the server: stop -- stop with the error message warning -- issue the warning and continue ignore -- continue without warning LOCK_TIMEOUT: -- timeout in seconds for locking 2019.05.15 2.100 Made it working without setting GOMP_STACKSIZE environment variable and without setting limits to rather large number. 2018.06.28 2.90 Added computation of hour angles and renamed ners_azel to ners_azelha Fixed as bug in computation of parameter eops Fixed installation program related to bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41080 Fixed compilation errors raised by Intel fortran compiler Fixed ners_eop regression bug when the EOP is computed at the current moment of time. Added support of LDFLAGS in configure 2018.06.15 2.80 Added Python wrapper Added program ners_azel for computing azimuth and elevation Fixed a number of bugs. Changed ABI. 2018.05.31 2.70 Made NERS thread-safe. Added support of environment variable NERS_CONFIG that specifies the name of the NERS configuration file. Fixed documentation. 2018.04.22 2.60 Fixed a bug related to double counting the secular term in nutation that may be present in the expression for precession. 2018.01.06 2.50 Fixed jumps in EOP at the interval of transition from IERS C04 to NERS forecast. Improved documentation. Added check for BSD legacy csh. 2017.05.12 2.40 Bug fixes in the installation procedure. Improved documentation. Added examples. 2016.12.24 2.30 Updated NERS message format. Included there the URLs of input EOP and AAM time series 2016.12.06 2.20 Added support of long-term EOP prediction. 2016.11.15 2.10 Fixed a bug in ners_eopser. Added a header to the EOP series. Added a new switch -i in ners_eop Removed dependencies on VTD, SPD_CLIENT, and cfitsio 2016.09.01 2.00 Changed ABI. Replaced unnormalized spline with B-splines. 2016.06.23 1.00 First public release.